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3 Min. Lesezeit
Dealing with emotional waves
One thing I wish everybody would learn in school is, how to deal with our emotions. I believe, being able to navigate our emotional ups...
2 Min. Lesezeit
Let Mother Nature bring you back to yourself
When I was going through my depression, I had a strong desire to spend a lot of time outdoors. I went on walks and especially loved...
3 Min. Lesezeit
Moving forward through difficult times
Life is not always a walk in the park. And maybe it´s not supposed to be as challenges offer opportunity for growth and for discovering...
28 Min. Lesezeit
Notes from my Scottish diary
Where do I go from here? It was early summer 2019 and I was utterly confused. I simply couldn´t figure out what my next step in life...
3 Min. Lesezeit
For the sake of the children?
Motherhood has changed and challenged me like nothing else in my life. Many times I have questioned myself if I am a “good mother” and...
4 Min. Lesezeit
The joy of traveling alone
It started by accident. I was 19 and travelling with a friend by train all across France. We had planned to do this for 4 weeks but only...
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